Friday, November 30, 2007

I need some goals. Also a job.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


It's September. I am still without a job. I didn't expect it to be this long (I don't know why, it took me the whole summer to find a job after graduation). I seem to float around without some overarching purpose. If I were in school... But I can't go to school without a car, and I can't get a car without a job. So here I am. Sending out my resume into the ether, hoping that someone will take a second look at it. The only response I've gotten so far is an automated response saying that they'd hired someone else. I need to do something worthwhile. I know that after I get a job, I'll wish that I hadn't spent this time as I've spent it: hanging around the apartment, watching Netflix, reading Fark.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


So I'm 24 now. I feel so old. Sadly, that's not even a little sarcastic. Mom and Dad left around 9:30am. It was good seeing them. Zach and I went to Restaurant Eve for dinner. I had a baby tomato salad, sturgeon, and a peach tatin (with a candle in it). Very tasty, very expensive.